Cancer never rests, and for that reason, neither do we. Every minute, every hour, every day Cancer Council Victoria is working hard to better understand how we can prevent and treat cancer.
We are asking you to join with others in making a significant investment in the battle against cancer.
Your opportunity to shape the future
Accelerating discoveries in how to prevent cancer and save lives will require the vision and support of passionate and generous people. Join us in safeguarding the health of Australians for generations to come.
With your generous support, we will leverage our expertise, successful track record and partnerships with global health agencies, healthcare and research institutions and community care specialists to our vision for a cancer-free future a reality.
- Every dollar donated to cancer research accelerates discoveries in cancer prevention, treatment and care.
- Every dollar donated to education helps children and adults reduce their cancer risk.
- Every dollar donated to early detection finds cancer early and improves health outcomes.
- Every dollar donated saves lives.
By giving generously and supporting Cancer Council Victoria, you will change the course of history for generations to come.
Peter is leaving a gift in my Will to Cancer Council Victoria in the hope that it can facilitate research and cancer awareness in the future.
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It was only natural that Rosemary brought her altruistic approach to life to addressing the problem that cancer posed as she watched it make more of an impact on the community.
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Thursday 16 December 2021
50 years since first anti-tobacco ad aired on television. At the end of the 1960s, tobacco advertising was ubiquitous on Australian television, with a tobacco ad being run every eight minutes.
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A revolutionary new method to monitor how products that increase the risk of cancer are marketed to children, is one of five research projects funded under Cancer Council Victoria’s $2.3 million Venture Grants research program.
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Child and adolescent-targeted food marketing has been closely scrutinised as a potential contributor to the obesity epidemic. Such food advertising influences children’s food preferences, purchases and consumption and is a probable casual factor in childhood obesity.
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Financial distress can negatively affect quality of life for cancer patients and their families.
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COVID-19 has been difficult for everybody, but it’s particularly challenging for those affected by cancer.
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Every child should be able to play, learn and live in a world that supports and promotes their health and wellbeing.
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Health 2020 was the flagship research platform for the newly formed Cancer Epidemiology Centre at Cancer Council Victoria. Dr Nigel Gray, former Cancer Council Victoria CEO, intended that this research take advantage of the organisation's long-term stewardship of the Victorian Cancer Registry.
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Wednesday 10 November 2021
Sugary drinks such as soft drinks, sport and energy drinks, fruit drinks and cordial contribute the most added sugar to Australian’s diets. Frighteningly, a single 600ml bottle of soft drink contains about 16 packs of sugar, and if you sip on one of these bottles per day for a year, that amounts to over 23 kilos of sugar consumed annually.
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Wednesday 10 November 2021
The work of epidemiologists at Cancer Council centres around looking at data to discover more about the causes of cancer, and how we can better prevent it.
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Victoria could be one of the first jurisdictions in the world to eliminate cervical cancer by 2030, given we have one of the lowest cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates.
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Round Three of the Venture Grants Research Program at the Isabella Fraser room at the State Library Victoria.
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Find out how we helped encourage Aboriginal women to get screened for cervical cancer.
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Despite living with a demoralising cancer, Lyall never considered himself a victim.
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Our commitment to you
As a major donor you receive exclusive behind-the-scenes access to Cancer Council Victoria’s work and regular updates on your impact.
As a supporter, we're committed to providing you with:
- personalised progress reports
- opportunities to meet cancer researchers including laboratory visits
- invitations to exclusive events throughout the year
- acknowledgement of your gift on our website, in our Annual Review and other publications
- a dedicated staff member who will keep you updated on the impact of your gift and be available for all your questions
- access to all of Cancer Council’s support services.
Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. With your permission, we will recognise donations of $10,000 or more in our Annual Review.
Contact us
If you are interested in making a major gift or would like to know more about our major gift program, please contact our philanthropy team on 03 9514 6100 or