1 IN 2

1 in 2 of us will be diagnosed with cancer by age 85.
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Community engagement

Share, help others, give back, be heard

If you or a loved one have had a cancer diagnosis you have ‘lived experience’ which gives your feedback weight and collectively, can influence change, which is an invaluable thing.

While Victoria has some of the best cancer survival outcomes in the world, there are still differences in cancer treatment and inequities in patient experience and survival.

Cancer Council is working to improve cancer outcomes for all Victorians, but we can’t do this alone and need your help. By joining our Community Advisory Network, you get the opportunity to use your experience and be involved in activities that aim to improve the cancer experience for others.

Community Advisory Network


I like getting involved at various levels of the organisation as it helps me understand how the organisation works. It also stimulates my brain.  I want to ensure that the organisation hears the voice of the consumer and community whenever they undertake any activity.”

Naveena, Community Advisory Network member

Our Community Advisory Network has over 100 members who have either had a cancer diagnosis themselves or who have cared for someone who has.

With a range of cancer and treatment experiences, all members have joined so they can use their personal experience to give back, inform the work we do and help to see improved cancer outcomes for other Victorians.

Ways to get involved may include:

  • sharing your story to illustrate your experience with health or support services
  • providing feedback on our cancer information or support services
  • informing research funding decision-making
  • participating in discussion groups on important issues
  • sharing insights to support our policy and advocacy activities
  • speaking at events or in some cases doing an interview with media
  • joining committees that steer our programs and research.

Register your details and we’ll be in touch with opportunities to get involved . 

Get involved

Issues we’re tackling


It doesn’t matter whether you’ve had cancer yourself, having family members with cancer affects you, your family and your friends. By volunteering my time, I feel I can help others”.
Sandra, Community Advisory Network member

Through our policy and advocacy activities we work with clinicians, researchers, community members, governments and policy makers, non-government organisations and cancer agencies to highlight key areas of need and inequity.

Our priorities for urgent action focus on improving outcomes in prevention, early detection, treatment, support and research for all Victorians and include:

  1. providing equitable access to treatment and supportive care
  2. reducing the cost of cancer
  3. preventing and detecting cancer early
  4. improving access to clinical trials.

Learn more about ways you can get involved with our policy and advocacy work here.

Cancer stories

You’re the promise each month that support will be there...

For Isla’s parents, Pam and Gareth, hearing their little girl had cancer, and would face years of treatment, filled them with dread. Read more

Every morning tea is as unique as the person behind it

Thank you to everyone who came together to celebrate Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. Your generosity and support contributed to raising vital funds for cancer research. Read more

Give hope this Daffodil Day

Every year Cancer Council’s most iconic and much-loved fundraising campaign, Daffodil Day, provides hope for people impacted by cancer. Read more