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Cancer Council on the move in late 2013

Tuesday 20 November 2012
Cancer Council Victoria is moving in late 2013 to a new building on St Kilda Rd.

Investigation into failure of junk food marketing codes

Sunday 11 November 2012
Today, the Obesity Policy Coalition, a coalition of leading health bodies, has released one of the most comprehensive investigations into Australia's self-regulatory system for food marketing ever undertaken.

$1 million pledged to SunSmart campaign

Wednesday 31 October 2012
SunSmart has welcomed today's announcement by the State Government that it will fund an advertising and digital media campaign to warn Victorians about the dangers of sun exposure over summer.

Breast screening saves lives despite some overdiagnosis

Tuesday 30 October 2012
A large independent British review of the risks and benefits of breast cancer screening published in The Lancet today has found that breast cancer screening does save lives.

Victorian Shortage of Radiation Oncology Medical Physicists (ROMPs)

Friday 26 October 2012
Cancer Council Victoria and clinicians of the Victorian Co-operative Oncology Group are concerned about reports of a shortage of Radiation Oncology Medical Physicists (ROMPs) in Victoria.

SA announces sunbed ban – Vic must follow or become solarium dumping ground

Thursday 25 October 2012
SunSmart and Cancer Council Victoria have called on the Victorian Parliament to follow the lead of the South Australian Government that has today announced a ban on solariums by 31 December 2014.

Childhood cancer survival figures brings hope for patients and their families

Wednesday 17 October 2012
Survival for Victorian children diagnosed with cancer is at an all-time high, with a report released by Cancer Council Victoria today showing overall five-year cancer survival in children under the age of 15 years has increased from 68% in 1982 to 82% in 2010.

Join the fight against skin cancer - become a SunSmart ambassador!

Wednesday 17 October 2012
The search is on for SunSmart ambassadors to spread the word about Slip! Slop! Slap! Seek! and Slide! this summer.

Salt, fat and energy reduction targets only valuable if monitored

Wednesday 10 October 2012
The government and the Australian public should be wary of the Australian Food and Grocery Council's (AFGC) Healthier Australia Commitment, which was launched today, according to the Obesity Policy Coalition (OPC).

Smoking on beaches ban does not go far enough

Wednesday 10 October 2012
The State Government's plan to ban smoking on patrolled beaches does not go far enough, according to four of Victoria's most respected health organisations.

Report shows more women surviving breast cancer in Victoria

Friday 5 October 2012
Victorian women living with breast cancer today are more likely to survive for at least five years after their diagnosis than they were 20 years ago, according to statistics released by Cancer Council Victoria.

Cancer evidence adds weight to calls for solarium ban

Wednesday 3 October 2012
An international study, published in the British Medical Journal this week, found that people who used tanning beds were more likely to develop two types of non-melanoma skin cancer; basal and squamous cell carcinoma.

Vic report: Obesity crisis grossly understated

Thursday 27 September 2012
A report released today, the Victorian Health Monitor, has found that obesity prevalence in Victoria has been grossly underestimated.

Victorian Health Monitor Report shows low Vitamin D is seasonal

Thursday 27 September 2012
The Victorian Health Monitor Report released today reveals that over 50% of Victorians have vitamin D deficiency in winter.

Top marks for Geelong Kindergartens on SunSmart scorecard!

Tuesday 18 September 2012
SunSmart is delighted to announce that 100% of Geelong Kindergarten Association (GKA) preschools are now members of the SunSmart Program, leading the way in ultraviolet (UV) protection.
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