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VCTC reports and publications post 2004

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Published papers in peer-reviewed journals 
Journal letters, book reviews and other publications 
Book chapters 
Major reports

Published papers in peer-reviewed journals

Chapman S, Liberman J. Ensuring smokers are adequately informed:reflection on consumer rights, manufacturer responsibilities, and policy implications.Tobacco Control. 2005. 14(Suppl II), ii8-ii13.

Durkin S, Wakefield M. Maximizing the impact of emotive anti-tobacco advertising: effects of interpersonal discussion and program placement. Social Marketing Quarterly 2006. 12(3), 3-14.

Farquharson, K. A different kind of snowball: identifying key policy makers. International Journal of Social Research Methodology. 2005. 8(4), 345-353.

Hurley SF. Short-term impact of smoking cessation on myocardial infarction and stroke hospitalisation and costs in Australia.Medical Journal Australia. 2005. 183(1), 13-17.

Hurley SF, Scollo M, Younie S, English DR, Swanson MD. The potential for tobacco control to reduce PBS costs for smoking-related cardiovascular disease. Medical Journal of Australia. 2004. 181(5), 252-255.

Lal A, Siahpush M, Scollo M. The economic impact of smoke-free legislation on sales turnover in restaurants and pubs in Tasmania. Tobacco Control. 2004. 13(4), 454-455.

Liberman J. The future of tobacco regulation: a response to a proposal for fundamental institutional change. Tobacco Control. 2006. 15(4), 333-338.

Siahpush, M. Smoking and social inequality. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 2004. 28(3), 297.

Siahpush, M. Why is lone-motherhood so strongly associated with smoking in Australia? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 2004. 28(1), 37-43.

Siahpush M, Borland R, Scollo M. Is household smoking status associated with expenditure on food at restaurants, alcohol, gambling and insurance? Results from the 1998-99 Household Expenditure Survey, Australia.Tobacco Control. 2004. 13(4), 409-414.

Wakefield M, Clegg Smith K, Chapman S. Framing of Australian newspaper coverage of a secondhand smoke injury claim: lessons for media advocacy. Critical Public Health. 2005. 15(1), 53-63.

Zwar N, Richmond R, Borland R, Stillman S and Cunningham M. Smoking cessation guidelines for Australian general practice. Australian Family Physician. 2005. 34(6), 461-464.

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Journal letters, book reviews and other publications

Hurley SF. Letter - Hospitalisations and costs attributable to tobacco smoking in Australia: 2001-2002. Medical Journal Australia , 2006. 184(1), 45.

Lal A, Siahpush M, Scollo M. The economic impact of smoke-free legislation on sales turnover in restaurants and pubs in Tasmania. Tobacco Control. 2004. 13(4), 454-455.

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Book chapters

Liberman J, Borland R. "Regulating Tobacco to Minimise Harms". In Stockwell T, Gruenewals PJ, Toumbourou, JW, Loxley, W (Eds.). Preventing Harmful Substance Abuse: The evidence for policy and practice. Chichester: Wiley: 2005.

Scollo M, Freeman J, Icasiano F, Wakefield M. Early evidence of the impact of recent reforms to tobacco taxes on tobacco prices and tobacco use in Australia. In: Research & Evaluation Committee (Ed). Australia's National Tobacco Campaign: Evaluation Report Volume Three. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Health & Ageing, October 2004.

Siahpush M, Borland R. Trends in sociodemographic variations in smoking prevalence, 1997-2000. In: Research & Evaluation Committee (Ed). Australia's National Tobacco Campaign: Evaluation Report Volume Three. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Health & Ageing, October 2004.

Younie S, Scollo M, Hill D, Borland R. Preventing tobacco use and harm: What is evidence-based policy? In Stockwell T, Gruenewals PJ, Toumbourou, JW, Loxley, W (Eds.). Preventing Harmful Substance Abuse: The evidence for policy and practice. Chichester: Wiley: 2005.

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Major reports

Allen M, Driskell S, Fieldsend A, Liberman J, Price L. Tobacco and Alcohol in the Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement: Impacts on Population Health. 2005.

Kenyon, Andrew T. Liberman J. "Controlling Cross-Border Tobacco: Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship - Implementing the FCTC" (August 2006). University of Melbourne Legal Studies Research Paper No. 161.