Australia's Biggest Morning Tea

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Workplace giving

Workplace giving enables employees to give directly to Cancer Council from their pre-tax pay. It's one of the simplest, most tax efficient and cost-effective ways to donate. Corporate organisations can engage and motivate staff by providing an integrated staff engagement program, including matching workplace giving funds donated by employees.


  • increase staff morale
  • increase staff retention
  • promote visible interaction with the community
  • promote a positive perception of your business, and
  • support the choice of your employees.

Since donations come from pre-tax pay, the amount donated is inflated (see below):

If your gross salary is:

$18,201 to $37,000

$37,001 to $80,000

$80,001 to $180,000


Your marginal tax rate is:





You make a pre-tax donation of:





The amount deducted from your pay is:





 *For Australian residents. Marginal tax rates effective 1 July 2012. (Exlcudes Medicare levy.)

For more details, contact:

(03) 9514 6100