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Join us for the 20th anniversary of Relay For Life

Tuesday 13 March, 2018

What is Relay For Life?


Suitable for families and all ages, Relay For Life is an overnight community festival that empowers communities to come together to celebrate cancer survivors, remember loved ones, and fight back for a cancer free future. Teams of 10 to 15 take turns walking the track all day and all night - cancer doesn’t rest, so neither do Relayers.

Relayers are incredibly important, not only to us, but to all those who have been, and will be affected by cancer. Every dollar raised through Relay For Life makes a vital difference, as it ensures Cancer Council Victoria can continue to invest in ground-breaking cancer research, prevention programs, and support services that offer a helping hand to cancer patients and their loved ones.

Relays take place all over the state throughout the year, so there’s sure to be one convenient to you. Visit to find one near you.

United we can prevent cancer, empower patients and save lives.

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The Conversation Hour episode on clinical trials

This episode of the Conversation Hour on ABC Radio Melbourne explores the important role clinical trials play in advancing cancer care and improving outcomes. Listen to the episode here

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Living with Lynch syndrome, and why it’s always better to know

Karen comes from a family with at least three generations of Lynch syndrome, but doesn't let it define her life. Read more

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Harnessing new technology to accelerate cancer research

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