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Review confirms plain packaging is cutting the smoking toll

Friday 26 February 2016
Quit Victoria has welcomed the findings of a Federal Government review of plain packaging of cigarettes, which show the world-first laws are achieving their aims of improving public health.

New resource works to reduce barriers to cancer screening for people with disabilities

Wednesday 24 February 2016

A resource launched today will provide online training to inform all people who care and support people with disabilities on how to speak about cancer screening.

Smokefree outdoor dining and drinking good for regional Victoria

Thursday 18 February 2016
Laws that make outdoor dining and drinking areas smokefree will encourage more families to visit cafes and restaurants in regional Victoria, Cancer Council Victoria research shows.

Smokefree outdoor dining and drinking good for business

Sunday 7 February 2016
Victorians expect to be able to eat and drink outside without being exposed to secondhand smoke and nearly three-quarters of a million of them will visit cafes and restaurants more often every year if smokefree outdoor areas are created, according to new research from the Cancer Council Victoria.

World Cancer Day: Cancer remains the leading cause of premature death in Victoria

Thursday 4 February 2016
Cancer deaths in Victoria result in the premature loss of nearly 60,000 years of life each year, more than four times the loss compared with other major causes of death.

Plain packaging helping reinforce smoking risks among Aboriginal people

Tuesday 2 February 2016
Aboriginal people have a greater understanding of the risks of smoking following the introduction of plain packaging of tobacco in Australia, new research shows.

Millions of Australians to receive free bowel screening kits in 2016

Thursday 14 January 2016
Approximately two million Australians will be invited to screen for bowel cancer for free in 2016 with the continued rollout of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program. This year, approximately 300,000 people will be added to the program.

‘Healthy' summer drinks hide more kj than a Big Mac, health experts warn

Wednesday 13 January 2016
Leading health experts are warning Victorians to be wary of store-bought smoothies, frappes and shakes this summer, after a LiveLighter investigation found many contain more kilojoules than a McDonald's Big Mac and are extremely high in sugar.

Fixing the alcohol tax system could reduce harms, new study shows

Monday 11 January 2016
Increasing the cost of the cheapest alcohol could reduce an individual’s consumption by as many as 11.5 standard drinks a week for low-income wine consumers, a new study has shown.

Tobacco outlets near schools tempt students to light up

Wednesday 6 January 2016
Non-smoking students are more inclined to be susceptible to smoking if there is a cluster of retail outlets selling tobacco near their school, prompting Quit Victoria to call for measures to limit cigarette availability.

Butt out for a fresh start in 2016 – but not on January 1

Monday 4 January 2016
A new year brings a fresh start, and Quit Victoria is encouraging smokers to seize the opportunity to improve their health by butting out for good in 2016.

Australia successfully defends plain packaging against Philip Morris legal challenge

Friday 18 December 2015
The Phillip Morris challenge to the Australian Government on tobacco plain packaging under a 1993 investment treaty between Australia and Hong Kong has failed.

Coping with cancer over the holiday season

Tuesday 15 December 2015
The holiday season is a special time of year, but for those who have been touched by cancer and have experienced a major change or loss in their life it can often be difficult.

Landmark study links long-term alcohol consumption with the risk of specific cancer types

Thursday 3 December 2015
Research by Cancer Council Victoria has found that people who consume a high amount of alcohol over their lifetime could be up to seven times more likely to develop cancer.

E-cigarette explosions a wake-up call on unregulated devices

Wednesday 2 December 2015
Reports that e-cigarette users in the United States are being seriously injured due to the devices exploding in their faces are a wake-up call, Quit Victoria says.
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