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1 in 2 of us will be diagnosed with cancer by age 85.
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Car race advertisers use loophole to promote booze to teens

Friday 9 October 2009
Children are being exposed to excessive levels of advertising by alcohol companies that are able to use live sporting events to advertise outside of the 8:30pm watershed.

Australian solarium industry fizzles by 32%

Wednesday 7 October 2009
New research by Cancer Council has found that the number of solariums across Australian capital cities has declined by 32% over the past three years, with franchises taking the biggest hit.
Clare Manders with her Mum

Pink party in honour of dying mother

Monday 5 October 2009
Head to 33-year-old Clare Manders’ home this October, and there’s a good chance you’ll find 50 pink women packed into her living room. That’s because Ms Manders has joined a group of 3500 Victorian women who are hosting Girls Night In events this October to raise funds to fight women’s cancers.

Debate on Prostate Cancer Testing

Friday 25 September 2009
You may have seen coverage or heard news reports recently encouraging men in their forties to be tested for prostate cancer. The Cancer Council believes that men considering being tested for prostate cancer should do so with information on both the benefits and harms of testing and treatment.

More than half of recent quitters say price is the key to quitting smoking

Wednesday 23 September 2009
More than half of recent quitters say that cigarette prices helped them quit smoking, according to research released today. Cigarette cost, anti-smoking campaigns and public smoking bans hold the key to quitting according to the study.

Local resident shines at Shepparton Arts Awards exhibition

Friday 18 September 2009
Providing a creative voice for Australians touched by cancer, Cancer Council Victoria is proud to bring its inspiring Arts Awards to Shepparton from 6 October to 25 October 2009.

Prostate cancer support launched

Thursday 10 September 2009
Cancer Council Victoria, in partnership with MensLine Australia, will launch a new telephone support group for men with prostate cancer and their carers next month.

Celebrating Life and Hope Through Art

Tuesday 8 September 2009
Providing a creative voice for Australians touched by cancer, Cancer Council Victoria is proud to tour its inspiring Arts Awards in Kyneton as part of the Kyneton Daffodil and Arts Festival.

Girls stay in to fight cancer

Tuesday 8 September 2009
Cancer Council Victoria is urging Victorian women to have a night in with the girls this October and raise funds for women’s cancers as part of Girls Night In.

Health taskforce needs to close the loop on sneaky advertising to primary school children

Monday 7 September 2009
The Preventative Health Taskforce recommendations for the phased banning of TV advertising to children before 9pm is a welcome step, however they stop short of protecting children from strategically placed messaging from junk food manufacturers while at school.

Australia to become global leader in tobacco control with new recommendations to tackle smoking

Tuesday 1 September 2009
Australia's place as a world leader in tobacco control will be cemented if recommendations, released today in the report of the Preventative Health Taskforce, are implemented without delay.

Be SunSmart - 5 things to remember from September!

Tuesday 1 September 2009
UV radiation levels are already rising in Victoria so don't wait until summer to use sun protection. In Victoria, from September through to the end of April average UV levels are 3 and above, which is when UV radiation can damage skin and eyes and lead to skin cancer.

Fat chance to fix obesity without govt keeping the pressure on industry

Tuesday 1 September 2009
A coalition of peak health bodies has welcomed the obesity recommendations of the National Preventative Health Taskforce, but warns the government needs to be strong and hold industry to account while focusing on interventions that will deliver the greatest gains to our community.

Final kids TV advertising standards leave Australian children vulnerable to exploitation

Tuesday 1 September 2009
The final version of the Children's Television Standards released today by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has failed to protect our children, according to the Obesity Policy Coalition's senior adviser, Jane Martin.

Strong leadership needed to reverse alcohol harms

Tuesday 1 September 2009
A Coalition of health agencies has endorsed the National Preventative Health Taskforce's recommendations on alcohol warning labels, implementing an independent advertising regulator and taxation and price reforms.
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