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Arts Awards Melbourne Exhibition 2010

Friday 5 March 2010
A collection of outstanding entries from Cancer Council Victoria’s, internationally acclaimed, Arts Awards will be on display in Melbourne from 11 July.

Mildura Relay For Life Life - Team information & registration night

Friday 5 March 2010
Mildura residents are invited to Cancer Council Victoria’s Relay For Life Team Information Night to hear more about the Relay event held in March.

Tea up your friends in May

Friday 5 March 2010
Help tip the balance in the fight against cancer by taking part in Australia's Biggest Morning Tea this May.

A Relay big reason to celebrate

Thursday 18 February 2010
Warrnambool Relay For Life, now in its 8th year, recently announced their 2010 fundraising total of $145,000. This means they've raised over $1 million for Cancer Council Victoria's research, support and prevention programs.

Share your experience creatively with Arts Awards

Friday 12 February 2010
We're inviting all Australians who've been touched by cancer to share their experiences creatively by entering the internationally recognised Cancer Council Victoria Arts Awards.

Sports clubs hit skin cancer and heat illness for 6!

Thursday 11 February 2010
Victorian sports participants will be better protected from UV exposure and heat under new guidelines developed by SunSmart and Smartplay.

World Cancer Day theme promotes prevention and participation

Monday 1 February 2010
Cancer can be prevented too' is the campaign theme of this year's World Cancer Day on Thursday, 4 February. World Cancer Day is celebrated every year, led by the International Union Against Cancer (UICC) and its member organisations with the support of the World Health Organization and key partners.

Cancer Council Victoria farewells a national treasure

Friday 29 January 2010
Doreen Akkerman AM, our Director of Cancer Information and Support Services (CISS), has retired after 20 years of dedicated service.

Faulty bowel cancer screening test kits - Cancer Council puts it in perspective

Friday 29 January 2010
A positive FOBT result rarely means you have cancer. It means there are signs that should be investigated, usually through colonoscopy.

Don't make sunburn part of your Australia Day celebrations

Tuesday 26 January 2010
With ultraviolet (UV) radiation likely to reach extreme levels in some parts of the state, it's important to use sun protection.

Fast food advertising proves self-regulation is a charade

Thursday 21 January 2010
A major fast food outlet is making a mockery of self-regulation, flouting a recent ruling by the Advertising Standards Board (ASB) and continuing to broadcast ads for an unsuitable children's meal, according to a coalition of peak health bodies.

Fast food advertisers found to flout their own rules

Thursday 24 December 2009
A coalition of peak health bodies congratulates the Advertising Standards Board for upholding two complaints about fast food advertising to children.

Recognising a tireless breast cancer advocate

Tuesday 15 December 2009
We're saddened by the recent death of Sue Lockwood, AM, who dedicated 16 years of her life to speaking up for women diagnosed with breast cancer.

Research the key to unlock cancer mysteries

Monday 14 December 2009
Cancer Council Victoria today announced over $3.2m will go towards high-quality research into the causes and prevention of cancer, as well as clinical research that focuses on diagnosis and treatment.

Health experts say low carb beer misleads consumers

Friday 4 December 2009
The Alcohol Policy Coalition is calling on the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) to address the need for factual alcohol labelling in response to a rise in misleading health claims.
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