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Health groups welcome new tobacco laws for Victoria

Friday 14 October 2016
Leading Victorian health groups have welcomed new laws to bring waterpipes into line with other tobacco products, so that smoking them indoors will no longer be permitted from August 1 next year.

3 in 5 sucked in by cheap junk food and sugary drinks: survey

Tuesday 11 October 2016
Australians are being urged to steer clear of supermarket promotions on unhealthy food and drinks as new data reveals most of us fall victim to clever hard-to-resist specials, despite our healthy intentions.

Female friendship is more powerful than ever with Cancer Council's Girls' Night In

Wednesday 28 September 2016
Women are being encouraged to host a Girls' Night In during October to raise money to support the 5,600 Victorian women who will be diagnosed with a breast or gynaecological cancer this year.

Cancer Council Victoria welcomes VCAT FOI ruling on sensitive data

Tuesday 27 September 2016
Cancer Council Victoria has welcomed a Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) ruling that British American Tobacco will not be granted access to data files containing information provided by thousands of Australian school children.

Footy legend scoffs at idea that bowel test is ‘too hard’

Thursday 22 September 2016
Footscray AFL legend Dougie Hawkins was “jumped on, tackled, bashed and chucked to the ground” over his 18 year career with the AFL. So as the star of a new campaign, Hawkins scoffs at the idea that doing the faecal occult blood test (FOBT) to screen for the precursors of bowel cancer is ‘too hard’ for Australians aged 50 to 74.

‘Black-market’ fears quashed as study finds Victorian solarium ban a success

Thursday 22 September 2016
Yesterday's first successful prosecution of illegal tanning operations follows the publication of a new study that shows the ban on commercial solariums has led to a dramatic reduction in the availability of tanning machines in Victoria.

Ethnic leaders call on MPs to close waterpipes loophole in Victoria

Tuesday 13 September 2016
Leaders from local African and Middle Eastern communities have joined other ethnic groups in calling for MPs to support a proposal before the Victorian Parliament to bring waterpipe use, sale and advertising into line with other tobacco laws.

World-first study confirms rare genetic mutations cause high breast cancer risk

Monday 5 September 2016
A massive global study led by researchers at the University of Melbourne and Cancer Council Victoria has confirmed that the risk of developing breast cancer from some relatively rare genetic changes is similar to that from the more common BRCA 1 and 2 mutations.

Cigarette price rise another reason to quit

Thursday 1 September 2016
Quitline is preparing for an influx of calls ahead of a tobacco tax increase, which will push the current leading brand of cigarettes to more than $26.

Daffodil Day celebrates 30 years of growing hope

Thursday 25 August 2016
Cancer Council’s much-loved Daffodil Day will turn 30 tomorrow, coinciding with three decades of significant advancements towards a cancer-free world.

Arabic cancer screening project fights stigma to make community healthier

Wednesday 17 August 2016
A new unique program aims to improve the screening rates for breast, bowel and cervical cancers for Arabic people in the Hume area.

Half of 'natural' foods unhealthy: report

Wednesday 10 August 2016
Australians are being urged to be wary of foods which claim to be ‘natural' with new research showing that almost 5 in 10 ‘natural' products are high in saturated fat, sugar and/or salt.

E-cigarette ads can trigger an urge to smoke in ex-smokers

Tuesday 2 August 2016
Exposure to electronic cigarette advertising may increase former smokers' desire to start smoking regular cigarettes again, new research has found.

Government’s new hepatitis strategies – positive step to eliminate burden of disease

Thursday 28 July 2016
Cancer Council Victoria welcomes the Victorian Government’s new strategies to improve outcomes for the 218,000 Australians living with hepatitis B and 230,000 Australians living with hepatitis C.

Victoria on right track with new Cancer Plan

Friday 22 July 2016
Cancer Council Victoria has welcomed the latest Victorian Cancer Plan, released today by Victorian Health Minister Jill Hennessy.
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