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Cancer Council supporter walks more than 6,000km to raise funds

Monday 23 February 2009
Melbourne teacher Michael Mitchell has really gone out of his way to help fight cancer, walking from Cape York in Queensland to Wilson's Promontory in Victoria to raise funds.

Baw Baw Relay For Life postponed

Friday 20 February 2009
Initially scheduled to take place on 14 and 15 March, the event will now be held in March 2010. Postponing an event is never easy, but we support the local organising committee's decision to allow Baw Baw residents to focus their immediate efforts on the bushfire appeal.

Calls for a National Health Charter

Wednesday 18 February 2009
A paper by Professor Brian Oldenburg, Research Director, Australian Institute of Health Policy Studies and Todd Harper, Chief Executive Officer, VicHealth, has called for a National Health Charter.

Breast care nurses explore new horizons

Wednesday 11 February 2009
Breast care nurses throughout Australasia will be linked at a national conference that will update them with the latest skills and knowledge to be opened by the Minister for Health, the Hon. Daniel Andrews.

Cancer Council cautions: Pap tests don't detect ovarian cancer

Friday 6 February 2009
During February, Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, Cancer Council Victoria is reminding all women that Pap tests do not detect or prevent ovarian cancer - a misconception believed by many.

A healthy childhood can reduce cancer risk

Wednesday 4 February 2009
This World Cancer Day, families are being urged to promote healthy active lifestyles for their children, as overweight and obesity during childhood can lead to chronic diseases later in life such as type 2 diabetes and some cancers.

Colac Relay For Life postponed

Wednesday 4 February 2009
Cancer Council Victoria and the local Relay For Life Volunteer Organising Committee today announced the postponement of the Colac Relay For Life event.

Global survey highlights need for more cancer prevention campaigns in Australia and New Zealand

Wednesday 4 February 2009
People in Australia and New Zealand most at risk from some cancers will often downplay their own risk, a global survey today highlighted.

Cancer Council partners to secure free billboards

Monday 2 February 2009
Cancer Council Victoria has partnered with outdoor media companies to secure ongoing FREE billboard advertising space to promote the Cancer Council Helpline 13 11 20.

Relay For Life kicks off 10th anniversary celebrations at Federation Square

Wednesday 28 January 2009
Relay For Life, our largest fundraising event, is celebrating its 10th anniversary. A public launch will be held at Federation Square, 8am-2pm, Thursday 26 February.

Professor David Hill gets award for fighting all cancers

Monday 26 January 2009
Professor David Hill, the Director of the Cancer Council Victoria, has been honored with an Australia Day award for his work fighting cancer in Victoria, nationally and internationally.

Volunteer to make a difference in the cancer fight

Wednesday 21 January 2009
Cancer Council Victoria is calling on Melbourne locals to help run its major fundraising events by volunteering to take calls from supporters on its Supporters Hotline.

Australian Open fans: don't leave home without sun protection

Monday 19 January 2009
As Melbourne turns on the heat for the start of the Australian Open, tennis fans are being urged to get SunSmart while enjoying the action on court.

Quit calls for bigger graphic health warnings

Monday 19 January 2009
More than 1 in 5 smokers believe the dangers of smoking are exaggerated, and half don't spontaneously identify lung cancer as a smoking-caused illness, according to new data.

Share your experience in Cancer Council art exhibition

Tuesday 13 January 2009
Cancer Council Victoria is calling on all Australians who have been touched by cancer to share their experiences creatively by entering the Cancer Council Victoria Arts Awards.
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