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Free Vietnamese breast cancer information session

Thursday 27 September 2007
Vietnamese people with breast cancer are encouraged to attend a free Living with Cancer Education Program at Western Hospital on Tuesday 9 October.

Tuxedo Junction raises $75, 000

Monday 17 September 2007
When Kate Bonser handed over a cheque for $75,000, she didn’t realise what an emotional experience it would be. She was part of the team organising the gala ball, Tuxedo Junction.

Don’t Just Sit There – get a Pap test

Friday 14 September 2007
PapScreen Victoria is running an advertising campaign reminding women aged between 18 and 69 to have regular two-yearly Pap tests, even if they’ve had the cervical cancer vaccine.

Pap tests or vaccine? Campaign explains

Tuesday 11 September 2007
A mass advertising campaign beginning September 9 urges women to continue having Pap tests, despite the new cervical cancer vaccine.

Obesity experts join forces and propose GST for sugary breakfast cereals

Sunday 9 September 2007
A new coalition of leading health experts is calling for urgent government action to stem the escalating rates of overweight and obesity in children.

Volunteers needed for cancer support in Mildura

Friday 7 September 2007
Volunteers are needed to join the Cancer Connect support program. In partnership with Sunraysia Cancer Resources, we're looking to pilot an expansion of this service in Mildura.

Local girls get together for women in need

Tuesday 4 September 2007
With around 40 Alpine women facing a cancer diagnosis this year, The Cancer Council Victoria is encouraging local women to show their support by hosting a Girls Night In this October.

Prostate cancer questions answered in special call-in

Tuesday 4 September 2007
Cancer specialists will staff phones at the Cancer Council Helpline on Thursday September 13, between 6pm and 9pm to answer questions about prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Call-In

Tuesday 4 September 2007
Thursday 13 September 2007 is our annual Prostate Cancer Call-In, where men across Australia are encouraged to call 13 11 20 and talk to leading prostate cancer specialists.

Don’t be burnt – get SunSmart for Spring

Friday 31 August 2007
With UV levels already reaching a level that can cause skin damage and lead to skin cancer, Victorians are being warned not to leave their sun protection until Summer.

Teen diet and exercise survey gives cause for concern

Friday 31 August 2007
A significant proportion of students fall short of current, national dietary and physical activity recommendations for teenagers.

Fruit and vegetables and cancer prevention

Tuesday 28 August 2007
Recent media reports have stated that fruit and vegetables give little protection against cancer.

OPC calls for government regulation of food marketing to children

Tuesday 28 August 2007
The Obesity Policy Coalition has condemned the Advertising Standards Bureau's dismissal of a complaint against food advertisements featuring cartoon Ogre Shrek.

Why solariums must be regulated

Tuesday 28 August 2007
Few stories are as compelling nor as heartfelt as Clare Oliver’s. At the young age of 25, Clare has melanoma and struggled to celebrate her 26th birthday.

Cancer Council funded researcher rewarded

Wednesday 22 August 2007
In April 2007, 50 years after beginning his career, Professor Don Metcalf was the first non-American given a lifetime achievement award from the American Association of Cancer Research.
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