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The Italian Community to benefit from free cancer forums

Friday 12 November 2010
The Italian community are invited to special cancer information sessions being presented by Cancer Council Victoria in partnership with The Royal Melbourne Hospital and Northern Health.

City of Port Phillip bans smoking on beaches, as momentum builds for smoke-free outdoor areas

Wednesday 10 November 2010
Quit and the Heart Foundation (Victoria) have applauded a decision by Port Phillip City Council on Monday night (November 8th) to ban smoking on its beaches from December 1, 2010.

Call for all states to follow NSW and Vic on menu labelling

Monday 8 November 2010
Call for all states and territories to follow the lead of the New South Wales and Victorian Governments in announcing new laws that require food chain outlets to include kilojoule counts for each item on their menus.

Frankston mall butts out, as more smokers than ever support policy

Monday 8 November 2010
New research shows that support for outdoor smoke-free areas in places where children are present is not only high among the general public but also among smokers, as Frankston City Council launches Victoria's first outdoor smoke-free mall today.

UV levels herald SunSmart reminder for Melbourne Cup Carnival

Monday 1 November 2010
With the Melbourne Cup Carnival kicking off today, Cancer Council Victoria is encouraging race-goers to be SunSmart and remember to Slip! Slop! Slap! Seek! and Slide!

Prevention agency would save Australian taxpayers in alcohol clean-up

Tuesday 26 October 2010
By passing the nation's first National Preventive Agency bill, the Federal Government could speed up action on alcohol and save Australian taxpayers from footing the $15billion clean-up bill says the Alcohol Policy Coalition.

Join the fight and become a SunSmart ambassador

Monday 25 October 2010
We are asking Victorians who have been diagnosed with melanoma and other skin cancers to join the likes of Australian Cricketer, Michael Clarke, and spread the SunSmart message.

Big tobacco wastes government time looking for non-existent smoking gun

Thursday 21 October 2010
Big tobacco continues to run scared of plain packaging, bombarding the Department of Health and Aging with freedom of information (FOI) requests in a desperate attempt to find ways to stop the most significant health reform in decades.

Prayer can't hurt but medical miracles are based on science, not faith

Wednesday 20 October 2010
Let's be clear about cancer and miracles. Until the middle of the 20th century, a cancer diagnosis was in most cases a death sentence. Today, more than 60% of Australians who are told they have a potentially terminal cancer are alive five years later. Thousands of patients each year are treated successfully.

COSA Consumer Forum

Monday 18 October 2010
Victorians will have unprecedented access to cancer experts from across the globe when the Clinical Oncological Society of Australia (COSA) hosts a free forum for people affected by cancer in November in Melbourne.

Junk food tax needs to be on the table at Tax Summit

Monday 18 October 2010
The Obesity Policy Coalition (OPC) has called on the Federal Government to include serious discussion of food pricing initiatives, including a junk food tax and healthy food subsidies, at the upcoming Tax Summit.

Have your vote in the parents jury Fame & Shame Awards

Thursday 14 October 2010
Now in its sixth year, the Fame & Shame Awards give every parent a public voice in the collective fight against junk food promotions that target children in a potentially misleading or irresponsible manner, and which can undermine parents' influence.

Shepparton to benefit from free cancer support forums

Thursday 7 October 2010
Two special Cancer Council Victoria forums will be held in Shepparton on Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 October. These are free for the community thanks to a generous financial contribution from RACV, and support from several local health and community services.

Cancer Council urges caution over commercial breast checks

Monday 4 October 2010
As the world turns pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Cancer Council Victoria is urging women to beware of companies offering breast imaging services as a means of detecting breast cancer.

Sunscreens unplugged – all you need to know this summer

Friday 1 October 2010
Recently there has been significant discussion about sunscreens in the media. Here SunSmart sets the record straight by telling everyone the facts so that you can stay safe in the sun this summer.
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