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Major US report concludes tobacco promotion and advertising increases tobacco use

Saturday 23 August 2008
A new report released in the United States has concluded tobacco promotion and advertising causes increased tobacco use and depictions of smoking in movies can prompt youths to smoke.

Today is Daffodil Day

Friday 22 August 2008
With over 300,000 Victorians diagnosed with cancer since Daffodil Day began 15 years ago, we urge you to buy a daffodil on Friday 22 August, and send a message of hope.

Health groups welcome Vic Government’s 5-year tobacco plan

Thursday 21 August 2008
Peak health groups have nominated removing cigarettes from shop displays and extending smokefree areas to cars as keys to the Victorian Government's new 5-year tobacco strategy.

Greek cancer update: 29 August

Friday 15 August 2008
Greek people affected by cancer are encouraged to attend a free Living with Cancer Education Program at the Austin Hospital on Friday 29 August.

Shades of Glory: Entries sought for SunSmart awards

Friday 15 August 2008
The search is on to find Victoria’s best shade initiative in the 2008 SunSmart Shade Awards. For the first time, workplaces, sports clubs, schools, childhood centres and local government can enter.

Vietnamese breast cancer update

Friday 15 August 2008
Vietnamese women affected by breast cancer and their family and friends are encouraged to attend a free Living with Cancer Education Program at the Western Hospital on Tuesday 26 August.

Study suggests graphic health warnings on cigarettes may reduce teen smoking

Tuesday 12 August 2008
Graphic health warnings on cigarettes may lower teenagers' intentions to smoke, according to a new study looking at the smoking uptake of over 4,000 Australian school students.

Urgent call for Family Cancer Connect volunteers

Tuesday 12 August 2008
We need volunteers who have cared for a family member or friend with cancer to support others through the Family Cancer Connect program - a telephone peer support service.

Daffodil Day celebrates 15 years

Wednesday 6 August 2008
With over 300,000 Victorians diagnosed with cancer since Daffodil Day began 15 years ago, The Cancer Council Victoria is urging people to buy a daffodil on Friday 22 August, and send a message of hope to all those affected.

Help celebrate 15 years of Daffodil Day

Monday 4 August 2008
Daffodil Day is celebrating its 15th anniversary on Friday 22 August and it's all about hope - hope that one day we'll win the fight. In August, almost 9,000 Australians will be diagnosed with cancer, so events like Daffodil Day are essential.

Sale gets cancer update

Thursday 31 July 2008
The Cancer Council Victoria will host a free cancer seminar for Sale residents on Friday 8 August informing the community how to reduce their risk of cancer.

NSW to introduce Australia’s toughest smoking laws: Quit urges Vic Gov to follow

Wednesday 30 July 2008
NSW is cracking down on the tobacco industry, announcing today the introduction of tough new laws to reduce smoking, including a complete ban on the display of cigarettes in shops.

Relay For Life is coming to City of Yarra

Friday 25 July 2008
City of Yarra residents are counting down to Saturday 13 November and what local organisers hope will be one of the biggest fundraising events the area has seen – The Cancer Council Victoria’s Relay For Life.

Fertility, sexuality and cancer: Free health professionals seminar

Monday 21 July 2008
The Cancer Council will hold a free Fertility, Sexuality and Cancer seminar for health professionals in Tasmania on Monday, 4 August. Doreen Akkerman AM will join Dr Kate Stern from the Royal Women’s Hospital to discuss sexuality and fertility issues after cancer.

Breast awareness and screening as essential as ever

Friday 18 July 2008
A review of research into the effectiveness of breast self-examination has prompted The Cancer Council Victoria to remind women of the importance of screening and breast awareness.
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