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Life-saving campaign wins award for Cancer Council Victoria

Thursday 6 December 2018

Cancer Council Victoria has won a prestigious VicHealth award for its campaign Do the home screening test – it could save your life.

Victoria proven as world-leader in timely care for bowel cancer patients

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Victoria is a world-leader when it comes to bowel cancer diagnosis and treatment times according to an international study released today that compares intervals from patients first noticing a symptom to diagnosis and starting treatment.

Missing the mark: AFL bombards kids with junk food

Thursday 22 November 2018

With the 35th national draft starting today, health experts are urging the AFL to pick healthier sponsors, as a new study exposes the extent to which Aussie kids are bombarded with junk food and sugary drink branding on TV during the national game.

Cancer Council welcomes commitment to invest in prevention programs from childhood

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Cancer Council welcomes a commitment from the Victorian Greens today to invest in prevention programs supporting good health from childhood and beyond.

VCDPA welcomes Greens’ commitment to prevent chronic disease

Wednesday 14 November 2018

The Victorian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (VCDPA) welcomes the Greens’ commitment to programs to prevent chronic disease and support child health.

Public Cervix Announcement: new campaign highlights safe, inclusive cervical screening for LGBTIQ people

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Cancer Council Victoria and Thorne Harbour Health are joining forces to encourage more people in the LGBTIQ community to undergo regular cervical screening, with a campaign launching this week as part of National Cervical Cancer Awareness Week.

New campaign educates Victorians about obesity and cancer link

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Obesity is now a leading preventable cause of cancer, but less than half of all Australians are aware of the link. A new campaign launched today by Cancer Council Victoria is aiming to change this.

Cancer Council welcomes commitment to Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme

Monday 22 October 2018

Cancer Council welcomes today’s commitment from the Liberal Nationals to increase the reimbursement rates for the Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS) if elected.

Alcohol giants in hot water again for using young influencers to market booze on social media

Friday 19 October 2018

Twenty-three social media posts by alcohol brands have been found to have breached the alcohol industry’s own advertising code by using young social media stars to promote booze to young people.

VCDPA welcomes commitment to health promotion campaigns

Wednesday 17 October 2018

The Victorian Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance (VCDPA) welcomes the Liberal Nationals commitment to long term investment in health promotion. 

Cancer Council provides $1.55 million for epigenetics research

Tuesday 16 October 2018

A Melbourne researcher who is developing new epigenetics-based therapies to treat cancer has received a $1.55 million research fellowship from Cancer Council Victoria today.

Mandatory pregnancy warning labels on alcohol a win for health of women and unborn children

Friday 12 October 2018

The Alcohol Policy Coalition (APC) has welcomed a landmark move by the Australia and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation yesterday to vote in favour of requiring all alcohol bottles and cans to carry government-developed pregnancy warning labels.

Melbourne mum’s heartbreaking plea to parents: be SunSmart for life

Friday 28 September 2018

A powerful new campaign launching today highlights the personal cost of skin cancer in an effort to get parents to increase their SunSmart habits.

Childhood obesity rates in Victoria highest in the country: new data

Thursday 27 September 2018

Childhood overweight and obesity rates in Victoria are sky rocketing faster than any other state, with new data showing almost 1 in 3 kids are now overweight or obese.

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