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Time to quit? Over 4 out of 5 smokers not happy to keep smoking

Wednesday 3 January 2007
An overwhelming 84% of current smokers are not happy to keep smoking, according to new figures released today.

Kylie fans donations deliver new service for breast cancer patients

Thursday 27 July 2006
The Cancer Council is sending a big thank you to Kylie Minogue's many supporters who kindly donated to the Kylie Minogue Breast Cancer Fund after her 2005 diagnosis.

New findings on prostate cancer risk and sexual activity

Thursday 17 July 2003
The Cancer Council Victoria has announced the results of research undertaken into the relationship between prostate cancer and ejaculation in men aged under 70.

50 years since historic report links smoking to cancer

Friday 10 January 2014
On the eve of 50th anniversary of the first U.S Surgeon General’s report to link smoking with cancer two of Australia’s leading health organisations have called for availability of tobacco to be the new frontier in tobacco control as research shows that some smokers are still in denial about the damage they’re doing to their health.

Good sex, good health; Dutch sexologist presents

Monday 16 April 2007
Dr Woet Gianotten is a world-renowned gynaecologist and psychotherapist with over 20 years experience in sexology. She presents a special lecture for health professionals.

Lung cancer kills 3 times more Aboriginal women in Vic each year

Monday 5 March 2018

New cancer data has revealed Victorian women from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds are more than three times as likely to be diagnosed with and die from lung cancer as non-Aboriginal Victorian women.

Call for 2008 Arts Awards entries

Tuesday 8 January 2008
Entries for the Cancer Council Arts Awards will close on April 4 so don't delay if you want the chance to share your cancer experiences creatively through art, writing and film.

13 11 20 now available until 6pm

Wednesday 3 June 2009

13 11 20 now available until 6pm

Total 1298 articles in this section.
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