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The Cancer Chronicles Film Festival

Wednesday 24 October 2007
An international cancer film competition will be held in 2008, with an awards ceremony included in the World Cancer Congress in Geneva, Switzerland. Entry is open to all.

Cancer Data capture software IP donated in goodwill gesture

Tuesday 23 October 2007
Software capturing data for gynaecological tumours developed for use at the Royal Woman’s Hospital has been donated to the Cancer Council Victoria as a gesture by the developers.

Free prostate cancer forum for family, carers and friends

Tuesday 23 October 2007
Family, carers and friends of men with prostate cancer are urged to attend a free forum on Wednesday 31 October 2007 at the Beaumaris Library.

Health professionals needed to facilitate cancer program

Tuesday 23 October 2007
Health professionals are encouraged to attend a Living With Cancer Education Program Facilitator Training Course on the 14 and 15 November.

Turn Off, Switch to Play!

Tuesday 23 October 2007
Parents can help reduce sedentary behaviour in children by encouraging them to switch off screen-based play and include more physical activity each day.

Secondary schools urged to save students from skin cancer

Monday 22 October 2007
With melanoma the most common cancer in young people aged 12-24, secondary schools are being encouraged to improve sun protection and reduce the risk for students and staff.

Pink Ribbon Day - Mon. 22 Oct. 2007

Friday 19 October 2007
Help us defeat breast cancer by being part of Pink Ribbon Day on Monday 22 October. Funds raised will help continue breast cancer research, education and support programs.

Serviced Apartment for Sale - Proceeds to Help Fight Cancer

Monday 15 October 2007
A 1-bedroom, serviced apartment in a premier retirement village is for sale with proceeds to benefit both the Cancer Council Victoria and The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Victoria.

Geelong residents affected by cancer urged to call Helpline

Wednesday 10 October 2007
The Cancer Council Victoria is encouraging Geelong residents affected by cancer to call 13 11 20. Statistics show almost 1000 Greater Geelong residents are diagnosed each year.

Special forum helps people affected by advanced cancer

Wednesday 10 October 2007
Learning how to live well while facing the uncertainty of advanced cancer will be the focus of a special forum at the Darebin Arts and Entertainment Centre on 13 October 2007.

McDonalds scores a hat trick in the Parents Jury's Ad Awards

Friday 5 October 2007
Parents have expressed their objection to McDonalds Happy Meal ads for the 3rd year running at the 3rd annual Children’s TV Food Advertising Awards conducted by the Parents Jury.

Men are putting themselves at greater risk of bowel cancer

Tuesday 2 October 2007
Men are putting lives at risk by not participating in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program. The national register shows a disparity between numbers of men and women screening.

Shepparton welcomes The Cancer Council Victoria Arts Awards

Tuesday 2 October 2007
An artwork by 9 year-old Kialla resident James Curnow will be part of the Cancer Council Victoria Arts Awards Exhibition, at the Shepparton Art Gallery from 4–28 October, 2007.

Women rally for girlfriends in need

Tuesday 2 October 2007
Nearly 350 Victorian women will be diagnosed with breast or gynaecological cancers in October 2007, so women are urged to show their support by registering for Girls Night In.

Spend the night in with the girls

Monday 1 October 2007
Girls Night In is fast approaching and Melany Spaull knows only too well what is involved. Melany is hosting her 3rd night this year, expected to be the biggest and best yet.
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