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Health bodies call for crackdown on alcoholic energy drink manufacturers

Monday 13 December 2010
A coalition of health organisations has called on the State and Federal Health and Consumer Affairs Departments to follow the US example and push manufacturers of alcoholic energy drinks to withdraw their products from sale.

Going to the dark side

Friday 10 December 2010
From the dark side of cake to the dark side of tanning, may the force be with you this summer as we find out why there's nothing healthy about a tan and new research shows sunscreen as the lightsaber against melanoma.

Government subsidises nicotine patches, giving smokers support they need to quit

Thursday 9 December 2010
Australia's three million smokers will have more reason to quit, after the federal government today committed to funding nicotine patches on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

Win the Golden Ticket!

Thursday 9 December 2010
SunSmart is joining up with Golden Plains this summer to offer sun savvy music fans two free tickets to the epic music festival that takes place on 12-14 March 2011.

An aspirin a day

Wednesday 8 December 2010
The media is abuzz today with stories about aspirin cutting cancer risk. We look behind the headlines to ask: does an aspirin a day, really keep the doctor away?

87% of Australians support traffic light labelling on front of food packs

Thursday 2 December 2010
A leading coalition of health groups, the Obesity Policy Coalition, has appealed to the Food Labelling Review panel to prioritise public health when it presents its final report to the Food Standards Ministerial Council tomorrow.

Dark Side of Tanning campaign conveys deadly message to young Victorians this summer

Thursday 2 December 2010
With summer approaching, SunSmart is launching a graphic melanoma awareness campaign targeting young people and urging all Victorians to be better prepared for the outdoors this season.

Coping with cancer over Christmas

Wednesday 1 December 2010
Celebrating Christmas can be difficult for people who have experienced a major change or loss in their life. Feelings of loneliness, isolation and sadness are common and Christmas traditions can be painful reminders of how different life has become.

Fast food advertisers permitted to plate up junk through Junior Masterchef

Tuesday 30 November 2010
A recent decision by the Advertising Standards Board that Junior Masterchef is not primarily directed to children and not covered by food industry advertising codes highlights how ineffective self-regulation is in protecting children from junk food marketing.

Latest Cut your Cancer Risk Blog posting: I-rish I knew then what I know now about UV

Friday 26 November 2010
This week is National Skin Cancer Action Week. Growing up in Ireland, where the rain rarely stops and the temperature rarely gets above 20, I rarely worried about sun protection. Little did I know that dangerous ultraviolet radiation was damaging my skin, resulting in a diagnosis of early stage melanoma at the age of 24.

SunSmart iPhone application launched

Thursday 25 November 2010
The first ever SunSmart iPhone(tm) application was launched today making it easier than ever for Australians to be SunSmart this summer.

Cancer Council Victoria welcomes cancer funding

Tuesday 23 November 2010
Cancer Council Victoria has welcomed the Labor party's announcement pledging $18.8 million towards reducing the impact of skin and bowel cancer on Victorian communities and significant investments in support for cancer patients and survivors.

Obesity action plan needed to direct new Health Agency

Monday 22 November 2010
The recommendations of the National Preventative Health Taskforce could provide the backbone for a plan, which could be complemented by the work of the National Preventive Health Agency when it is established in the new year.

Quit unveils new tool to help smokers kick the habit

Friday 19 November 2010
Quit Victoria is pleased to announce the launch of its redeveloped website, which has an even stronger focus on supporting smokers to quit.

BreastScreen concerns

Thursday 18 November 2010
BreastScreen is directly contacting 5,339 women as it believes the mammograms of a small number of them may not have been reviewed by two separate radiologists.
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