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Striving for a cancer-free future

Reducing the unmet psychosocial needs of colorectal patients: a randomised controlled trial (RCT)

Lead researcher

Rob Sanson-Fisher (University of Newcastle); Victoria White (CBRC); Catherine D'Este (University of Newcastle); Suzi Grogan (Cancer Information and Support Service); Christopher Doran (National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre); Michelle Macvean (CBRC)

Years funded
2006 - 2009

The project utilised the skills and knowledge of the Cancer Information and Support Service (CISS) in developing and running volunteer-based programs to work with cancer patients, and delivering these programs over the telephone. The unique aspect of this study is the use of volunteers to deliver the intervention and removal of the intervention from the patient's treating hospital. The specific aims of the project are:

  1. To determine the effectiveness of a tailored intervention to reduce the unmet psychosocial needs of colorectal cancer patients using a RCT
  2. To conduct a cost-utility analysis by comparing costs of intervention and usual care conditions with QALYs (Quality Adjusted Life Years) of patients in each condition;
  3. To determine how social support, treatment and demographic factors relate to levels of anxiety, depression and unmet needs among colorectal patients and how these factors influence the outcome of the intervention.

Data collection for this project is completed and we are currently in the process of analysing results.

Contact: Vicki White at

Funding Body

National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC)